
Photography to me is a form of expression. If done right it evokes emotions and that's what keeps me so passionate about photography. However, my aim goes way beyond that. In today's world we often struggle with distorted beauty standards, body shaming and discrimination to all kinds of people. That is why I want to raise awareness on exactly those aspects. 

Why would anyone have to feel bad for how they look or where they come from or what they're sexual orientation is? Why can't we feel proud instead? 

As a person who was often confronted with strange looks to the way I was born, I want to help others feel good about themselves. And I do this with photography. Feel free to contact me and we'll change the world.

- lunaphelia -


Who is Lunaphelia?

Lunaphelia is a pseudonym that I came up with to avoid my name being spread over the internet. It stands for "the girl who loves the moon" written in latin. I love watching the moon and gazing into the stars. There's something mysterious in doing so. And that's what I want my photos to feel like as well. Somewhat mysterious.

Lunaphelia is basically me, Linda. I'm a 20 year old girl from Switzerland who's fascinated by photography and poetry. I don't do photography professionally yet, because I'm a student soon to be attending the matura exams. I'm lowkey trying to change to world - at least a little. I want people to feel good about themselves despite these distorted beauty standards, body shaming and discrimination. Essentially, I want to show that we're all only human.

- Linda -

My Gear

My Nikon D5200 has been working perfectly since 2013 when I got it. It might not be the best camera nowadays, however, I'm really happy with the results and try to make the best out of what I have. I'm mainly shooting with my 35mm 1.8f lens, but also use the 18 - 55mm kit lens every once in a while. Additionally, my hama tripod and time remote control come in handy when I do selfportraiture or when I want to get that longexposured nature shot. My WD Elements external harddrive takes care of all my photos and stores them safely. At the moment, I'm editing with Adobe Lightroom CC and Photoshop which I'd strongly recommend because it changed my way of thinking about photography. Other than that I have my own mind which never goes out of creative ideas.



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Contact me via:

[email protected]

@lunaphelia on instagram

@lunaphelia on twitter

@stellaphelia on pinterest

@astro phelia on youtube

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